Level Design
Charles-Olivier Péloquin
Sasha and her power armor, RO-X4-N3
Depending on weater you travel alone or within your armor, the gameplay alterne between a puzzle game, a quick one shot kill platformer and a beat em up.
In a dystopic futuristic 1984'ish world, Sasha is on a quest to find her father, an inventor who disapear misteriously, letting behind him, R0-X4-N3, his power armor.
Section 1 | Falling bridge to suprise the player
Section 2 | Puzzle were the player need to use Sasha to activate a lever to push RO-X4-N3 Through the Tesla Coil
Section 3 | Puzzle of timing were the player need to use RO-X4-N3 to dash through the Tesla Coil
Section 4 | Puzzle were the player need to use Sasha to activate a lever to push RO-X4-N3 on a pressur plate that open the door
Section 5 | Action, the player need to fight 3 waves of ennemis
Section 6 | Puzzle of timing were the player need to use Sasha and jump over ennemies to reach the lever and bring back RO-X4-N3 and fight
Section 7 | Action + puzzle were the player need to break to the groud, fight and activate the lever
In Progress
Skills and expertise:
Project Management (task and people oriented)
Agile and scrum methodology.
Well-organized, efficient and motivated to learn.
Skillful at searching, compiling and synthesizing information/data.
Ability to picture and represent any 3D environment and ambiance.
Critical and analytical mind.
Excellent communication skills.
C# and HTML programming.
Languages: French (Native), English (Professional profeciency), Spanish (Basic).